How and when appeared the tinned food?

It was created in century XIX to take care of to basic a military necessity: to conserve foods for armies in campaign. Process that it prevents that the food ruins, preserving it in containers closed and esterilizados by heating, started to be developed in France for cook Nicolas Appert, in 1795. Its bigger motivation rewards was offered it for the French government who developed a method that hindered deterioration it foods for consumption them troops it country. Appert used covered with corks and stamped glass jars with wax, kept in water fervente to preserve, among others things, soups, juices, laticínios and candies. The result of this experience was published in a book that arrived at the hands of the English trader Peter Durand. In 1810, Durand patented the use of containers coated with tins, the future can, beyond the vasilhames of glass used by Appert. In 1815, the French and British soldiers already fed themselves with tinned.

In 1830, these products had left of being, in the Europe, military exclusiveness, but the search for soups, sardines, peas and tomatoes vendidos in the new type of packing was weak because of the high price. Exactly thus, the newness arrived at the United States, where, in 1926, the texana company Hormel launched a product that would make much success: the presuntada one in can of famous mark Spam (whose name - abbreviation of spiced ham, “spiced ham” - curiously capsized synonymous indesejado email). From the decade of 30, the tinned ones if had become all popular in the planet and today about 200 billion cans of food they are produced annually.

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