It makes banana-passes in the microwaves

The banana is one of the fruits more consumed and possibly one of most wasted. When surplus fatally ruins and goes for the garbage. To prevent this you can use its oven microwaves caretaker.

A technology studied for researchers of the University of Campinas (Unicamp - São Paulo) and that it uses the microwaves to carry through the drying of the banana, getting banana-passes as resulted, it can more bring benefits in the exploitation of one of the consumed fruits in the Country.

Engineer Pink Nádia the food Pear tree, author of the research, explained that the processing of the food in the microwaves occurs of faster form of what the conventional method, reaching comparable quality or until superior of the commercial products.

According to it, the new technology keeps the structural and nutricionais properties of the banana when compared with the traditional method. This happens because the fruit is little time in baking, diminishing the degradation possibility.

“In other studies, the research had shown that the dry banana from the new technology presented one better sensorial acceptance of what the commercial products”, informed.

Color and Aroma

Nádia said that, beyond the possibility to characterize the nutrients of the food, the microwaves also can generate an improvement in the color and the aroma of the product. The drying consists of the reduction of the water of the banana until arriving at a level considered ideal for its conservation.

In the conventional method, the process is carried through by convection with hot air of artisan form, what it results in the loss of nutrients of the food in one in reason of the warm up time.

The engineer remembered that the process carried through in the microwaves is very new, and the study still needs more to be deepened. Only thus, according to Nádia, it would be possible to take the product gotten from the technique to the market, what it would increase the consumption.

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