Worse student of the world

In 1969, the Indian Shiv “Pappu” Charan made a promise for its namorada: as soon as it obtained to form itself ina school for adults, them would go to be married. In the last week, to the 74 years they will solteirão, it caught its bulletin and it discovered that, for 38ª time, had taken “bomb”.

Nicknamed for the colleagues of “the worse pupil of the world”, Pappu took off note enough to be approved only in one disciplines of them of the course. The 3,4 (of a total of up to 10 points) in hindi were its better performance in recent years. It took off 1,4 in English, 1,7 in sciences, 2,5 in sânscrito and 0,5 in mathematics. “Mathematical he knocks down always me”, affirms.

Although plus one year without diploma, the Indian does not want to know to give up. “While I to live, go to continue making the tests therefore my motivation I am to marry to be able me”, I say. “It is not part of my nature to change my promises. I go to study until passing of year.”

In recent years, Pappu turned a species “tourist attraction” in its school. It is “mascote” of its group, formed in the majority for adolescents of 15 years. “When I go to make a test, the people come of some places of India to see me”, count.

But the Indian says that he would change the fame for a wife. E, of preference, young. “I do not go to marry no woman with 30 years more than”.

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