
In mythology Greek, they were strong and brutais beings, half menand half horses, children of Ixíon or Ixão, king of the lápitas, and Néfele, goddess of the clouds, to the exception of Folo de Chiron or Quirão, that had had another origin and less wild character, however were the personificação of the wild natural forces, of the lewdness and drunkeness. Monsters that represented the identification of the human being to the animalescos instincts, its myth was, possibly, inspired in the tribes half-savages who almost always lived in the zones more wastelands of Greece and its mitológica history associate the barbarity episodes.

They lived in the forests of plains of the Arcadia and mounts of the Tessália and would have fought against Hércules, would have banished that them from the Mália handle. During the weddings of Pirítoo, king of the lápitas, after tipsy with wine, would have attemped to abduct the fiancé, generating a terrible one that he finished with all verwhelmed by the lápitas. Differently of the others, Folo de Quírion was instructor and professor of Aquiles, Heraclitus, Jasão and other heroes. In the Greek times if they related frequently with Eros and Dioniso and during the Renaissance, to perhaps enhance its beastly character, in its repressntações alone the bust was human.

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