Antirust substances make of nuts “more healthful” the oleaginosas fruits

A research made in the United States disclosed that, between the oleaginosas fruits, they are the most recommended nuts for a healthful diet for containing the highest level and the best quality of antirust substances - substances that help to prevent illnesses.

According to study, a handful of nuts contains two times more antirust than a handful of chestnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachio nuts, hazelnuts, chestnut-do-Pará, chestnuts of cashew, macadâmias or nut-part.

Moreover, the antirust substances gifts in the nuts have greater quality and power of what of the other analyzed dry fruits.

The research - lead for a scientist of the University of Scranton, in the Pensilvânia (northeast of the United States) - also concluded that the antirust substances found in the nuts are between two the 15 more powerful times of what of the vitamin and, also known for its antirust benefit.

The study it was divulged in a meeting of the American Chemical Society, carried through in the city of Anaheim, in California (west of the country).

The antirust substances hinder chemical reactions that cause changes in the molecular structure of the cells of the body.

According to researcher Joe Vinson, that led the study, all the oleaginosas fruits have good nutricionais qualities. They contain proteins of high quality, many vitamins, minerals and staple fibres.

Previous research had demonstrated that the regular consumption of small amounts of oleaginosas fruits can reduce the risk of cardiac illnesses, some types of cancer, diabetes type 2 and other problems of health.

But Vinson says that the portions of these consumed fruits must be small. Seven to the day are the sufficient to get the benefits for the health discovered in the studies.

The researcher said despite it has another advantage in choosing the nuts as antirust substance source.

“The heat of the torrados fruits generally reduces the quality of antirust substances, but the people generally eat the raw nuts. Therefore, they are more efficient”, explained.

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