Oil of fish during the pregnancy increases the immunity of the child.

A new study it increases the evidence of that oil supplements of fish in the diet of pregnant women can strengthen the imunológico system of the babies.

In this study, the babies had surpassed the cooled ones more quickly when its mothers had ingested 400 milligrams of supplements contend acid docosa-hexaenóico (DHA) during the pregnancy.

The DHA is important for the just-born embryo and babies, and the pregnant women must certify themselves to ingest the necessary amount, preferential from fish, and in case that she is not possible, from supplements.

The study she was part of an ample lead controlled clinical assay in Mexico. The last results are based on the data of 800 women, half of which daily ingested DHA supplements during the pregnancy.

The children of the study had been examined with 1, 3 and 6 months of age, and its mothers had been questioned if in the two previous weeks the babies had presented symptoms as congestion, muco, vomit and cutaneous eruptions, as well as on how much time these symptoms had lasted.

Although the two groups have presented similar number of illnesses, the children whose mothers had ingested DHA had had many reduced symptoms.

DHA is one of the three acid greasy of the type Omega-3, found in the fish and oils of fish. Although the DHA if has shown beneficial for the cognitivo development, the imunológico development and in the prevention of cardiac illnesses, it does not integrate the diet of most of the Americans. Gestantes also must be worried about the consumption of fish because of the mercury text.

But an increasing number of research is showing that the DHA can supply a series of benefits the babies.

The DHA is vital for the development of the infantile brain and the vision. It also can be important for the development of the systems cardiac, vascular and imunológico.

The researchers continue to investigate the benefits in the long run of the DHA and will go to study until the 5 years of the pertaining to school performance, among others results, of the children.

The inquiry also goes to allow the researchers to examine some of the results less encouraging of the study and to see if they must become areas of bigger concern. While the duration of the cooled symptoms of had been lesser in children ingesting DHA, these children had had cutaneous eruptions and vomit crises during more time.

A small number of illnesses can have guided the study, considering that cooled they were a very bigger concern of what vomits, since 200 constipations had more than occurred, but only 30 vomit episodes.

As it happens with many nutrients, the DHA benefits can vary with the taken dose. For example, while vitamin C can provide benefits in the defense against cooled, the superdosage of vitamin does not seem to offer a bigger benefit, also being able to be harmful in some cases.

In the same way, the great benefits of the DHA in diverse studies can be resulted of people who were having deficiency of this nutrient. Doses you add of DHA can not benefit people who already get the nutrient of its diet.

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