Crackers uses the death of Bin Laden to infectar using of the Facebook

Crackers is if using to advantage of the death of Osama Bin Laden to spread links malicious. According to agency of Reuters notice, the messages promise to show videos of the historical murder.

Still in accordance with the agency of notice, one of the main targets is the users of the Facebook, who have received private messages on behalf of known people, asking for so that they copy malicious codes to have access to the videos of the death of the terrorist.

When following the instructions of the messages, internauta of the total access of its account for crackers. According to Mikko Hypponen, head of research of the manufacturer of antivirus F-Secure, the evil intentioned has used the proper stolen accounts to propagate the virus and to send Spam to the friends of the infectado user. Beyond the Facebook, them also they are using emails loaded with links contaminated.

This type of malicious campaign if uses to advantage of news events to propagate virus and to steal given. In accordance with the executive, other modalities of infection saw web had used the Real Marriage and tsunami in Japan as decoy. “I believe that the attempts of attacks using the death of Bin Laden must persist for some months”, it concluded.

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