Subliminar message

Messages subliminares are those that the human directions do not obtain to perceive of conscientious form, thus, the message reach another part of the subconscious human brain. The term was invented by James Vicary, a specialist in marketing americyear, the year of 1957.

Vicary developed one technique called “projection to subliminar”, where impossible intentional images of if perceiving of conscientious form were projected in fractions of second in a cinema section. The chosen phrases had been “Drink Coke” (drinks cocaine-glue) and “Eat Popcorn” (it eats popcorn). Result: In the nights where the experience was made, the popcorn sales had increased in 57,7%, and of Coca-Cola in 18,1%.

The whole world of the advertising if concentrated in the result of the experience of Vicary. However, Vicary affirmed in a news article that had been forced to divulge those results, that is, it contradicted the effect of the messages subliminares. After the cold water bucket played by the proper founder of the concept, some scientists had continued trying to remake the experience of Vicary and to prove the effect of the messages subliminares, however none got success. Exactly thus, the psychological effect caused by the repercussion of the experience was enough to keep the fame of the messages subliminares until the present.

Message to subliminar is that one that works with the subconscious mind of the people. The caught message is assimilated without no conscientious barrier, thus, the individual acts not as if it was hipnotizado, therefore it does not lose the conscience, but yes, with subjective trends to take certain attitude.

It is important to stand out that the message to subliminar works solely with the subconscious mind, therefore, any conscientious impression that an image provokes in the individual cannot be considered as message to subliminar. In many cases, the people try to find meanings in messages that do not possess nothing of more. This mechanism is called auto-illusion, where a person costuma to use of its personal knowledge, experiences and its opinions to print its ideas in what it is analyzing - the message, moving completely its real direction.

In Brazil, no law does not exist that forbids of direct form any type of propaganda to subliminar, however, the legislation believes that the propaganda to subliminar wounds what it says article 20 of the Code of Ethics of the Advertising executives, where says that all the messages must ostensive and be assumed (explicit). Thus, in the legal context, the message to subliminar is seen as an antiethical and unconstitutional element, since the spectator cannot use its right of choice for not being conscientious of its existence.

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