The syndrome of space adaptation

The syndrome of space adaptation, call also of illness ofthe space movement, is very common in the astronauts. It occurs when it has a discrepancy of the information between the visual entrance and the instrument initial. The astronauts can make examination of drugs or submit it the autogenético training undergo to hold this illness of movement. After approximately three days, the brain adapta automatically trusting the visual entrance only.

Accurately as the rocking of a boat in the water it makes with that if it is with nausea, the illness of movement in the space makes with that if it is with nausea, or to try illness of movement of the space. The movement illness is a disturber of the balance caused for one me the combination of the information enters the visual entrance of the eyes and the situated initial instrument in the ear.

The instrument initial contains a liquid and ones for the very small that if move with the attraction of the gravity to inform the brain of the orientation and the direction of movement of the body. In the microgravity, the instrument initial cannot function correctly. For example, when an astronaut is upside-down, its eyes indicate this its brain, but its instrument initial does not supply the imperceptible information. This can result in nauseas, in nauseas, and in I vomit per some days until the brain if adapte trusting the alone visual entrance. The studies of NASA indicate that approximately half of the astronauts of U.S.A. tries the syndrome of the adaptation in the space.

Space travellers can use drugs to hinder or to diminish the movement illness. These drugs whiten the neurotransmitters that stimulate the vomit. One another way to hold the syndrome of the adaptation of the space is with the autogenético training, that involves to control the corporal functions that are generally involuntary. This allows the astronauts to learn to hinder or to minimize the illness of movement and the other circumstances caused for the microgravity.

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