Aegean civilization

Aegean civilization, used term to mention the Age to itof Bronze that if developed (3000-1200 B.C.) to the edges of the Aegean sea, in the island of Crete, the Cíclades islands and the center of Greece. Its main cultures had been the minóica, that blossomed in Crete and reached its apogee in middle of the Age of Bronze (c. 2000-1450 B.C.), especially, in Cnossos and Festos; e the micênica, that if developed in the end of the Age of Bronze (c. 1450-1100 B.C.) in Micenas, Tirinto and Pilos.

The writers of old Greece counted to histories of remote `age of heróis' but nothing of concrete was not known, on the Aegean civilization, until ends of century XIX, when the archaeological hollowings in the small farms of the legendary cities of Troy, Micenas had started, Cnossos, and other centers of the Age of Bronze. To also see Minotauro; Minos; War of Troy; Agamenon; Art and architecture of the Cíclades; Arthur Evans

The mask of Agamenon
The call mask of Agamenon was found in a micênica tomb for Heinrich Schliemann in 1876. Although this believed to have discovered the tombs of the heroes of the War of Troy, the tombs and the mask really belong to a previous phase of the micênica culture that, together with the minóica culture, is part of the civilization of the Aegean one.
To the side the mask of Agamenon

The Door of the Lions
The Door of the Lions, situated in the exterior wall that encircles the palace of Micenas (constructed for return of 1300 B.C.), was constructed in limestone. On great dintel, some blocks of rock form a triangle, in which lions in relief meet, cut of both the sides of a minóica sacred column. The heads of feras, that they had not been conserved, were made independent parts of metal or rock.

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