The Legend of the Drácula

where Vlad Tsepesh Aka Dracula
Vlad Dracula (Dracúla is pronounced) or Vlad, the Empalador, wasa prince who really existed, in which Bram Stocker based the celebrity Conde Drácula. Dracula was born in the Transilvânia in 1431, in the city of Sighisoara, or Schassburg. Its father, Vlad Dracul (Vlad, the Demon), was member one of the Order of the Dragon, what he meant a pact of perpetual fight against the Turks. The Dracul name meant Dragon or Demon, and if it became symbol of its father because it used the symbol of the dragon in its currencies. With the age of only 13 years, Dracula was captured by the Turks, had taught who it to torture and to empalar people. But it was under its reign of in Wallachia, of 1456 the 1462, that it really had the possibility to use its knowledge. It was at this time that appeared the majority of histories. For example: one day Dracula saw a man with the dirty shirt and maltrapilha. It asked if the man had a wife, and the man answered that yes, Dracula perceived that it was a healthful and full woman of fiber, she called and it sluggish. As punishment, it had the cut off hands and its empalado body. It looked a new wife for the man and showed it what he happens with its sluggish predecessor as an acknowledgment form. The new woman, definitively, was not sluggish.

The other name of Dracula, Tsepesh (or Tepes), meant empalador. Vlad was called thus due to its propensity for the empalamento, as a form of punishment for its enemies. Empalamento was a particularly direful method of execution. The victim was ece of fish in a horse pushed in direction the props polishing and dipped in grease the oil, of form not to cause the immediate death.

Wives infidels and promiscuous women had been punished by Dracula, having its cut sexual agencies, the skin pulled out while alive and I publish displayed it, with its skins hung next to its bodies. Dracula appreciated execution in mass especially, where some victims were empaladas of a time, and the hoisted props. As the victims if kept suspended of the soil, the weight of its bodies made with that they went down vagarosamente for the prop, that, had the smooth base, went burglarizing the internal agencies.

Better to appreciate the spectacle, Dracula routinely carried through slap-up meal in front of its victims, and was a pleasure it to feed itself enters the lamentable signals and noises of its victims dying. The current castle of Dracula is to the north of the Wallachia, in the city of Tirgosvite. Vlad Tsepesh aka Dracula died in 1476. Some histories count that it died in a disfarçado battle of Turk. As the victory was next, it ran for the high one of a cliff to appreciate everything, but it was confusing with a Turk and died by its proper men.

The tomb of Dracula is open in 1931, but she was empty for one not to be spoiled skeleton, a gold crown, one gargantilha with the idea of a serpent and fragmentos of suit of red silk, with a sewn bell. Unhappyly its mortal remains had been stolen of the History Museum of Bucharest (Historical Museum of Bucharest), where they had been deposited

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