
# Its name was Kudriavka - Laika. The dog was the first one to be alive to go for space, in day 3 of November of 1957, to 22h28.

# It was captured in the streets of Moscow. One gave credit that a street dog would have more resistance to the training, since it fought daily for its survival.

# the objective of the mission was to analyze how much the organism of an alive being would support in the space conditions.

# Laika passed for the same tests of a human being and was chosen by being a turn-can and to present ideal weight and height: less than 6 kilos and 35 centimeters.

# When it was for the space, Laika dressed overalls repleto of captadores that folloied its cardiac beatings, arterial pressure and respiratory frequency.

# Many rumors had appeared on its death, that was only clarified in 2002. One of the organizadores of the mission, Dmitri Malashenkov, disclosed that Laika died after a period of suffering, hours after the take-off. Scared with the racket of the launching, its heart arrived to beat three times faster of what the habitual one. In orbit, Laika if calmed, but problems with the temperature in the capsule, that reached 41ºC, had been fatal. Five hours after going for the space, Laika did not give more signals of life.

# the capsule where it was the body of Laika was consumed by the atmosphere in day 14 of August of 1958.

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