Which the difference between eatable, poisonous and alucinógeno mushroom?

As many species of mushrooms exist - is said in 1,5 million - and no physical characteristic denounce the alucinógenas presence of poison or substances, he is very difficult (and dangerous) to differentiate them in “olhômetro”. To make matters worse, they is esteem that nor 5% of the species are classified in biological literature. This means that nor a micologista (specialist in fungos) very experienced can thread in the mouth a mushroom found in the way of the forest. Exactly that it if seems very an eatable species, it is good for distrusting, after all one same sort can have species that kill, leave doidão or, simply, fulls the belly (it sees the example of the sort below Amanita in the photos). In laboratory, it has two forms of if identifying a mushroom: morphologic analysis and biochemist. The first nothing more it is of what comparing the characteristics of the species found with the ones of already identified and catalogued in scientific books. For this, one takes in account the format, the measures and the coloration of the mushroom. Exactly that it if seems some known species, for precaution is analyzed by a trained biochemist to identify to the presence of toxins (as the alpha-amanitina, found in the Amanita phalloides) and alucinógenas substances (as the psicilobina, of the Psilocibe cubensis).

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