
* Typically Argentine the musical sort was born for return of 1877 in the city of Buenos Aires. The libertos blacks after the abolition ofthe slavery, promulgated in the country in 1813, liveed in its majority in the Montesserat quarter, where they costumavam if to congregate to touch and to dance.

* The places where the parties happened were called “tangos”. It has some versions for the origin of the name. Some believe that it comes of “drum”, widely used musics of African inspiration.

* Others affirm that the term is an adaptation of Xangô, name of the god of the war in the religion afro. One third group still exists that says to be about a word of a dialect whose meant it is “to come close itself, to touch”.

* Independent of the controversy, the strong strokes of the African tambores had seduced the Argentines descending of Spaniard. The rhythm, then, gained touchs of European music and assumed the form that has today. The dance, in turn, was considered “luxuriante” and “indecent” during much time.

* One of the known tangos more is “For Joins Cabeza”, composition in 1935 for the singer Carlos Gardel. In one of the scenes most famous of the film “Perfume of Woman” (1992), the blind military man interpreted by Al Pacino dances this folloied music of the actress Gabrielle Anwar.

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