Nothing of Michelle Pfeiffer, Vera Fisher or Sofia Loren. Irresistible of all the times are Afrodite, or Venus, for the Romans. The goddess of the beauty, the fertility and the love has a biography, says thus, obscure. Hesíodo, author of the Teogonia poem, counts that the immortal one was born of the genital ones of Uranus, that had been cut by its Cronos son in a dispute for the throne. Homero, in turn, counts that the immortal one is son of Zeus and Dione. In any way, it is fact that the two to it philosophers costumavam to attribute facetas: celestial, that a its paper standes out as goddess of the fertility, and other whore, on to its voluble character, become attached to the sexual and stingy love. Responsible for the growth of the flowers and the dew of the morning, Afrodite was married with Hefesto and had several loving.

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