The discovery of a layer of nanodiamantes in the ice in the Gronelândia strengthens the theory of that a comet struck in the North America has 12 900 years. This cataclysm led to the extinguishing of the mammoths that in the height inhabited in the northern zones and provoked the culture destruction human being known for Clóvis.
The theory of the extraterrestrial impact appeared has three years and has been reason of great quarrels in the scientific community, over all in the United States, with some of the tests to be discredited during the controversy. In case that if it confirms this discovery in the Gronelândia, the hypothesis will be able to gain an advance decisive.
The problem is to try to explain the extinguishing of animals of great dimensions, including mammoths and tiger-tooth-of-sabre, that they had disappeared of sudden form has about 13 a thousand years, in the North America. The idea of the impact also could clarify the sudden disappearance of the Clóvis culture, beyond allowing to understand the fire layers that had occurred for the same height. The climate of the hemisphere North cooled suddenly, a called event recent Dryas, that also could be explained by the impact of the comet.
As a crater does not exist, it is speculated on that the comet would have fallen in the ice layer that then covered the North of Canada, melting it partially. Parts of this objecto had tumbled in other points, creating megaincêndios. This will have been a cataclysm capable to provoke global climatic alterations. It has, for example, indications of climate changes the regional level in the Average East, that had provoked population migrations until today little understandable.
Everything that is consistent with the discovery now made in the Gronelândia. The work, published in the specialized magazine Journal of Glaciology, was signed by two sets of ten of scientists of some American universities, including of Maine, Oregon and California, Saint Bárbara.
It equips it was led by the archaeologist of Oregon Douglas Kenneth, one of the initial proponents of the hypothesis of the impact, but whose discovered they have been ece of fishes in cause for adversaries of the theory. Kenneth affirms that the layer of nanodiamantes in the ice has an age to go up to around the 13 a thousand years.
The scientists also affirm that the discovery made in the Gronelândia corresponds to the first layer of nanodiamantes never found in ice glacier in the whole world. The particles are so small that they only can be observed by sophisticated microscopes. Each nanodiamante has the dimension of a small virus.
The name is, by the way, something deceptive, therefore the material of very small dimensions is much more similar to the graphite that if finds in the pencils of what properly the diamonds. To any form, one is about carbon whose formation if of only the great temperatures, for example, in one has shocked high speed. The concentrations of nanodiamantes found in the ice are 5 million superior times to the normal one. The scientists had been exactly surprised with the high amounts that had found.
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