The mind human being

mind human being records and executes everything that is sent to it, eitherthrough
words, thoughts or acts, its or of third, are positive or
negatives, are enough that have accepted you them. This action always will happen,
independent if it brings or not resulted positive for you.

A scientist of Phoenix - Arizona - wanted to prove this theory. He needed
a volunteer who arrived at the last consequences. He obtained one in one
prison. He was the convict to the death that would be executed in the prison
of St Louis in the state of Missouri where death penalty exists.

It considered following it: it would participate of a scientific experience, in
which would be made a small cut in its pulse, the sufficient to drip
its blood until finishes final drop. It would have a possibility to survive, case
the blood coagulasse. If this happened, it would be freed, case
the opposite, it would go to falecer for the loss of the blood, however, it would have a death without
suffering and without pain.

The convict accepted, therefore he was preferable of what dying in electric chair e
still it would have a possibility to survive.

The convict was placed in a high bed, of these of hospitals and had moored its body so that he did not move himself. They had made a small cut in its pulse. Below of the pulse, a small aluminum canister was placed. It was said who would hear dripping of its blood in the canister. The cut was superficial
e did not reach no artery or vein, but it was the sufficient so that it
it felt that its pulse is cut.

Without it knew, underneath of the bed he had a bottle of serum with one
small valve. When cutting the pulse, had opened the valve of the bottle so that
it believed that it was the blood of it that he was falling in the canister of
aluminum. In the truth, it was the serum of the bottle that dripped.

Of 10 in 10 minutes, the scientist, without the convict saw, closed one
little the valve of the bottle and the convict thought that it was its blood that
it was diminishing.

With passing of the time, it was losing the color and being weak. When
scientists had closed the valve completely, the convict had a stop
cardiopath and faleceu, without having lost at least a blood drop.

The scientist obtained to prove that the mind human being fulfills, to a foot-da-letter, everything who is sent to it and accepted by its host, either positive or negative and that the death can be organic or psychic.

This fact is an alert one for filters what sends for our mind,
therefore it does not distinguish the Real from the fancy, the certainty of the made a mistake one, simply
she records and she fulfills what she is sent to it.

10 myths on the beer

Normal beer or light
The beers light have in general enter the 90 100 calories, against little than 200 calories of the conventionals. A loving one of beer says that the difference is the same one between comparing a McDonalds with a Restaurant 5 stars. The ones that search a life more healthful and are accustomed with dietary and light, say that the difference is imperceptível. Therefore, unless you drink 300 beers per week, it opts to a good and conventional beer, nothing of light.

The more dark it is the beer, more alcohol contains
Nor always. The Guinness beer, for example, is black, and has 4.2% of alcohol. The color of the beer comes of malte torrado, what it does not represent nothing in the alcoholic text. Already the excessively component ones are responsible for the alcohol, but they do not influence in the color.

The beer is with the bad taste if to esquentar and to freeze again
the beer can happen case pass for the process to freeze/to defrost for many times. But many people believe that the taste is quaint when a beer is frozen that already was frozen and came back to the normal temperature. The beer can ruin with air, the light and the time. The temperature will not ruin its beer unless she is extreme.

The beers of U.S.A. have little alcohol that excessively
Some people notice a difference in the label, on the alcoholic text of the beers commercialized in U.S.A. The Americans use the alcohol average by weight, while the too much countries adopt the alcohol standard for volume. A time that the beer weighs less than the water, the American beers present lesser numbers, but not little alcohol.

The Guinness beer served in Ireland is better
The process of manufacture of the beer is of low cost, then because these marks would risk its reputation when manufacturing different beer for exportation? It does not make direction very, and it is not truth. With rare excessões, the exported beer is accurately equal to the place. The only difference is the coolness due to the time expense in the exportation.

The beer would not have to be bitter
The bitter taste of the beer comes of a component (present in all beers) responsible for maltes candies and that it acts as conservante. Some beers have more (as India Pale Ales) and others have little, case of the Wheat Beer.

The best beers are in the green bottles
the dark bottles (in general brown) protect much more it beer of the light of what the clear ones (green or transparent). The myth appeared after World War II, when the Europeans consumed imported beers that were produced and put into vesselsed in green bottles due to local scarcity.

The beers of Thailand contain formaldehyde
One gives credit that the beers manufactured in Singha contain in the formula formaldehyde. The explanation most acceptable is that the beers manufactured in Singha contain much more alcohol and is much more bitter. When welded American or English they drank in Thailand, they were drunk with bigger much more fast easiness and of what they costumavam, beyond feeling a bitter taste much more intense. The suggested explanation is that it contained formaldehyde in its formula. Madness.

The beer Corona is Mexican piss
During the decade of `80, a rumor appeared of that diligent of the beer plant Corona (well popular in U.S.A.) they were urinando in the tanks of the beers destined to U.S.A. Certainly it would be, at least, ackward, if it was truth. But as all myth, this caused upheavals for the plant - its popularity was diminishing enters the American consumers of beer and who if it benefited with this was Heineken. Peraí, and where Heineken enters in history? It was the responsible one for spreading the rumor (a similar case to this in Brazil happened here, involving Coca-Cola and the Dolly). The responsible one of Heineken admitted the unfair competition and the Corona had its popularity in high again. But this rumor is spread until today by all the country!

Women do not like beer
Who will be that it invented this! Some women drink much more of what men. She has thousand of cases where the woman supports to drink much more of what the man.


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To spurt milk of the eye

Ilker Yilmaz can obtain one of the records bizarros of the world. The Turkish worker of construction spilled milk in the hand, today, he sufficiently sucked it for the nose making racket, he spurted and it ofits left eye to a distance of 2,795 meters, in what he waits will be recognized as new world-wide record.
“I am happy and proud for being able to place Turkey in the book of the records, exactly that he is for spurting milk”, the man of 28 years said.

It said that he is very enters a small group of people world measures that he obtains the fact because of an anomaly in its lacrimal gland.

The site of the Guinness Book of the Records says that Mike Moraal, of Vancouver, in Canada, established the current record, of 2,615 meters, in France, 2001.

In an email, the Guinness it said that it did not have no present official representative to testify the fact of Yilmaz and was waiting documents of organizadores of the event to prove the record.

“It is really good for hearing that provisionally a new record can have been established”, Sam Knights, a representative of the Guinness said, in an email. “We receive from good grado new breakers of records and are anxious to receive the evidences (...) and then we will be able to verify this new attempt of record”.

Yilmaz said that it is known has years for obtaining to spurt liquids of its eye, but only has three years discovered that it had a record to spurt milk.

“I discovered by chance that I had such talent. When he was swimming with friend, I I noticed water spurting of my eye”, said. “When vi (a previous attempt to obtain the record of the Guinness) in the TV, I thought that, perhaps, it could also make that”.

Mahir Kendusim, a resident oftalmologista in Istanbul, said that a socket binds to the inferior eyelid the nasal socket, but noticed that it never heard to speak of whom he was capable of a fact as of Yilmaz.

Two years behind, Yilmaz said that it broke the then record, but the Guinness did not recognize it because the witnesses gifts did not fill its petitions.

Today, a magnet - leader Muslim spiritual - was between the witnesses who turn Yilmaz to absorb milk, to hold its left eyelid with the finger and to spurt milk. Yilmaz obtained in its third attempt. The record attempt was sponsored by Kay Sut, a Turkish milk company.

10 facts on penis that the great majority is unaware of

To know more on its penis (or of its partner) is important to intensify the relations, the pleasure, beyond fighting disfunções and others males that as much confuses inthe sexual life of a couple. Therefore we go to some of these facts:

1. To smoke can shorten in up to 1 cm the penis. The erections depend on the sanguine flow, and the smokers calcificam the vases, making it difficult the circulation;
2. Studies disclose that 79% of the men have penis that they expand significantly when erect, and 21% have great penises in rest that do not expand very when erect;
3. The brain is not necessary for the ejeculação. The order comes of the spinal marrow;
4. The case most common of peniana rupture: vigorous masturbation;
5. But 1 between 400 men the sufficient to make verbal sex in the proper body is flexible;
6. The men of better appearance can have “more strong” sperm. Spanish researchers had shown to the women photos of men who had had classification good, average, and bad of spermatozoa - and they had said to them to choose its preferred ones, for the appearance. The great majority chose the best producers;
7. The doctors are using the skin of the prepúcio of children ciruncidadas in burning victims. A prepúcio can produce 23,000 square meters, that would be sufficient to cover a field of baseball;
8. The responsible penis for depriving of virginity the biggest number of young women was of King Fatefehi, of Tonga, that supposedly deprived of virginity 37,800 women between years 1770 and 1784 - or about 7 virgins per day;
9. A gland of widened prostate can cause as much erétil disfunção as precocious ejaculação;
10. Orgasmo masculine lasts 6 seconds on average. The feminine one, 23 seconds. If it was to see for amount, would be necessary the man to arrive “there” 4 times at each 1 of the woman.

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5 useless parts of the human body

Since the time of Darwin, the humanity has knowledge of the theory of the evolution. The species live e, or adaptam it the way, or are extinct. Thus, many of the animals that existed previously already do not exist more as the mammoths and the trilobitas.

We know that such animals already had existed because fósseis had left that later had been discovered by the scientists. Fossilizados bones and carcasses help the man to mount the great break-head of the history of the life in the Land.

But the evolution leaves other vestiges during its course. Some of these vestiges are the agencies without use that some animals have, also the human being. It is that this list if deals with: human agencies that already do not have funçãin the body.

5. Fingers of the Foot
When it is lived in trees, fingers in the feet serve to help the locomotion, therefore it is more easy to use four (and to the times, as we will see below) members to move itself of what only two. But data that the feet of the human beings are used to only give to sustentation our body bípede, do not make sensible terms fingers in the tips of the feet. The usefulness of them, for we, already finished makes time.

4. Cóccix
Cóccix, that one ossinho of the end of the vertebral column, nothing more is of what a residual tail. Our ancestor, when living in trees, probably needed a cause to be able to have balance and communication between its pairs (dogs abanam the tail when they are happy, they remember). When the primates of whichwe evolve had been bípedes, the old tail were if becoming each more useless time, until she shrank and she was as she is today. He has cases of anomalies where people are born with tail, but that is very rare.

3. Teeth of siso
Many people pull out its teeth of siso (or judgment) when arriving in the adult age. They are four useless teeth, but that still they insist on being born. They are the two explanations so that they, although some times to ache in such a way, exist in our mouths. The first one if must to the fact of the jaw human being have less if become than of its ancestral ones. Although the inferior size, the teeth of siso continue there, trying to grow in a space that already does not accomodate them comfortably. Second it has to see with hygiene. As he was common has years behind, a man with 18 years already had lost most of its teeth. Thus, the teeth of siso fulfilled an important paper in the chew.

2. Mamilos masculine
Illed-inform one that it studies theory of the evolution can be asked: data that the man has mamilos, this want to say that it evolved of the woman? Not, this is not truth. Men and women have mamilos because, in the first embryonic periods of training, all are assexuados embryos. In a more advanced state he only is that the testosterone goes to make the sexual differentiation. Moreover, masculine mamilos are residual: they can have a small paper in the sexual relations and a small number can arrive to lactar.

White hair after all do not result of stress

A study it demonstrates that the responsible ones for the white hair are the main genes that if go acquiring throughout the life. Stress or the diet little intervenes with this equation.

The conclusions had resulted of a research for which 200 gémeas, homozigóticas and heterozigóticas sisters had been enlisted more than (true and false), between the 59 and 81 years. The scientists had practically not found differences in the amount of white hair of the identical gémeas, that partilham the genes, but the situation got excited in “the false” gémeas, whose genes differ.

According to BBC, the study, published in the magazine PLoS One, come to supply to oppose a series of other advanced theories with few scientific bases, that atribuíam the external factors, as stress or the diet, the increase of the white hair in the women.

“This means that, for the majority of the people, to be with white hair it does not result of that they have fact, but of genetic factors that are stop beyond its control”, it related Sings to sleep Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists. The specialist recognizes that exceptions to this rule can exist, but that generally it is not the style of life to determine the loss of color in the hair.

David Fisher, specialist of Dana Faber Institute Cancer, equally lead a research in this area and corroborates the results, attributing to the genetics a decisive paper. However, it adds that the exposition the certain types of chemistries can take the one that the hair are white more early of what the genes determine.

8% of the genetic material human drift of a virus

Around of one 8% of the human genetic material it happens of a virus and not of our ancestral ones, in accordance with Japaneseand American researchers. The study, and an attached article for the professor of biology of the University of the Texas in Arlington, Cédric Feschotte, had been published recently in the reviewed celebrity Nature.

The inquiry demonstrated that the genomes of the human beings and other mammals contain DNA derived from the insertion of bornavírus (bornaviridae), a virus whose responses and transcriptions happen in the ARN of the cellular nucleus. Feschotte, that worked jointly in a recent research directed by professor Keizo Tomonaga in the University of Osaka in Japan, said that this transmitted DNA viralmente can be a psychiatric cause of genetic mutations and upheavals as the schizophrenia and upheavals of the psychic state. In its article, Feschotte speculates on the paper of such insertions capsizes in the genetic mutations that could have evolutivas and medical consequências.

The assimilation of the sequências you capsize in the genome of the guest is a known process as endogenização. This occurs when the viral DNA if integrates in one cromossoma of the reproductive cells and later it passes of parents the children. So far, retrovírus was the only virus known in generating these endogenous copies in the vertebrates. But Feschotte said that the scientists had discovered that a called virus bornavírus comes repetidamente being endogenizado in the mammals through the evolution.

Bornavírus (BDV) must its name to the city of Borna, Germany, where a viral epidemic in 1885 finished with the cavalry of the city. The BDV can infectar a great variety of birds and mammals, including human beings. He is only, since it only attacks the neurons, establishing a persistent infection in the brain of its host, and its cycle of life has place in the nucleus of the infectadas cells. Feschotte said that this close association of the BDV with the nucleus of the cell lead the scientists to search if bornavírus can have previously left registers of infections in the human beings and other mammals in form of endogenous elements.

The researchers had studied the 234 genomes eucariotas known (the genomes that total had been sequenciados) to see if they found similar sequências to the ones of the BDV.

- “The researchers had exhumed a great amount of similar endogenous elements to the ones of the BVD in many and diverse mammals”, said Feschotte. The scientists had also been capable to recoup spontaneous insertions of BDV in cromossomas of cells human beings cultivated with persistent infection for BDV. Based in these data, Feschotte considers that the BDV insertions could be a source of mutations in the cells of the brain in the infectadas people.

- “These data had allowed the formularization of a comprovável hypothesis, despite controversa: the causal association of the infection for BDV with the schizophrenia and upheavals of the spirit state”, said Feschotte. High level of research in laboratory of Feschotte, that to a large extent if centers in the study of transposition elements - those genetic elements that are capable of if moving and if inside talking back of the genomes of practically all the living organisms, is representative of the level of research in general taken the handle in the University of the Texas in the city of Arlington, and is in saw of to be recognized the national level, as one of the more important institutions of research of U.S.A.

Spanish Vilarejo has only one child

Small vilarejo of Vallfogona de Riucorb, in Spain, was in party of day 11 of October of 2001 to commemorate the Agate birth Brun Ubach, the first child to be born in the place in last the 16 years. Situated in the border it enters the provinces of Lérida and Tarragona, the town has a average of age of 60 years and Agate is the only child. Most of the 50 inhabitants participated of the festejos and took gifts to the just-born baby.

Quality of sperm of who lives in the transit is worse that of infertile men

Men who breathe much pollution have a sperm of queven though inferior alidade to the one of infertile men. He is what he shows to study of the urologista Jorge Hallak, of the Hospital of the Clinics of the College of Medicine of the USP (University of São Paulo).

The survey was made with 748 workers who inalaram the air of great public ways, as drivers of bus and taxi.

The explanation is in the fuel that the Brazilian automobiles use, that in accordance with the doctor counts on great amount of metals weighed, what affects the organism directly. Hallak affirms that the solution in short term is palliative: use of masks with filters.

Today, 15% of world-wide the masculine population are infertile, bigger tax that the feminine infertility. Beyond the pollution, other factors can cause the deficiency, between them estresse, tobaccoism, obesidade, sedentarismo and use of anabolizantes.

However, two terços of the cases of masculine infertility can be reverted well will have been diagnosised and treated.

Forms of being left-handed

As the left-handed ones know well, the world still is of the dexterous. Shears, abridores of can, corkscrews, accessories of computer, and until spoons pies for babies are made for the right hand. But why more than 90% of the people prefer to use the right hand? In the truth, why exists any preference for the use of one of the hands, whichever?

It is not necessary specular very to find an advantage for the preferential use of one of the hands. If it did not have preference, the two sides of the body, equally capable, could enter in dispute in the hour to start to walk, to reach the key of the car, to play the ball, or to catch the pencil and to write. Already it imagined to have that to lose time deciding with that foot to kick the soccer ball that falls of the sky redondinha, alone between you and the goal? “The automatic” preference for one of the sides of the body decides this problem, and thus you can concentrate yourself in more important things, as to dribble the defense if approaching.

Beyond deciding the problem of the choice, the preference for one of the sides of the body is economic: all the efforts of the training can be concentrated in one alone hand, arm, or foot. The problem is that the beneficial effect of the practical one are specific for the trained side, and therefore would not be very economic to need to train the two hands to make the same task. Already thought how much time people would pass in the school if everybody needed to learn to write well with the two hands? Or it learned to touch violão of the two sides? Or it trained a booty however with an arm, however with the other?

Everything this justifies the lateralização, and not only in the man. In fact, other animals that use the hands to eat or to manipulate objects, as birds, mammals, and even though sapos, also have preference for one of the legs. The difference is that the distribution of preferences is more democratic in them of what in the man. In the mouse, for example, 50% of the animals prefer to use the leg esquera, and 50% prefer the right. The really cabeluda question is why in the men the preference is 90% of the times in favor of the right side of the body, controlled for the left side of the brain.

What it has of so special in the left side of the brain? Pra colloquy start, has the first function whose localization in the cerebral cortex was discovered: the language. In 96% of the people, it is the left side of the brain that shelters the capacity says to produce it. It will be that the use of the right hand can be only one consequence of speaks to be dominated by the left brain?

Yes and not. Yes because, as it would be of if waiting, the incidence of control of speaks for another side of the brain is bigger in the left-handed people: 27% of them speak with the right side of the brain, against 15% of the ambidextrouses, and only 4% of the dexterous. But this cannot be everything - senão, seventy percent of the left-handed people would not have to be left-handed…

Which is then the base for the preference for the right hand? Not yet it is known to the certainty (oooooohh…), but it is certain that the explanation must take in consideraçnao a series of different factors:

1- genetics, since much above of the 8-10% of the population in general is known that it has families with high incidence of preference for the left hand. The possibility to have a left-handed child is of 10% when father and mother are dexterous, 20% when or the father or the mother is left-handed (especially she will be the mother), and 26% when both are left-handed. Famous examples in history are the English real family and the Scottish clan of the Kerr - who, also, in contrast constructed in its castles stairs spirals, the counter-clockwise direction, that gave left-handed advantage espadachins of the family.

2- hormones, as the testosterone, that in such a way influence the functional lateralização of the brain how much the difference between the sexos, since it has left-handed more (12,6% of the men) of what left-handed (9,9% of the women) in the world. Said the difference thus it can not seem much, but making the accounts, it has 30% almost more left-handed men of what left-handed women! One of the most accepted theories prayer that an increase of the effect of the testosterone in the brain during the gestation would delay the development of the left side of the brain, giving advantage to the right side.

3- the partner-cultural as the repression of the left-hand use or same influence the forced conversion;

4- mechanical factors, as the position of the embryo in the uterus, that influence the development of the functional lateralização in the brain before exactly of the birth, since to the rising the brain already has assimetrias, and already exist differences in the movement of the two hands

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Witch of the Bells

rat of the only registered case of the death of one human being for a ghost in the United States.
In the spring of 1817 John Bell it was changed with its family for the American state of the Tenesse. John, its Lucy wife and its 3 children had had a normal life in the first months in the new house. The Bells had started then to hear sounds and tremors in its property. Most incredible it is that alone it happened around of the house and it lasted weeks. A night, its son Richard tells that a racket took account of its room. It was impossible to sleep anetes of the 3 hours of the morning, when the racket stopped.
The attacks with the time had been being each time more violent of form that the Bells that before kept secret on the subject had had that to ask for aid. The relioso James Johnston was the first one to try to banish the ghost. With the aid of its bible it interrogated the ghost in search of answers. Until a future American president Andrew Jackson he was in 1819 to observe the phenomena. The ghost seemed to be more active and was heard laughing for all the house. The neighborhood discovered the case and started to call the thing the Witch of the Bells.

According to witnesses, the witch swore to torment John Bell until its death, that occurred due an enormous deceit. A bottle that contained its remedy was changed by a mortal poison. The measured one was called to investigate and its verdict was accidental poisoning. Soon this deceit was atribído the witch of the Bells. The witch in the velório of John even tormented the people, laughing in order to be heard by all.

In the old property of the Bells a cave exists. The current owners tell that strange events in this cave happen very. Would be today the cave the place where the Witch of the Bells?
For some the Kate Batts, a neighboring eccentric person of the Bells, that disputed lands with John Bell was who played the curse that killed John.

The Witch of the Bells is one of histories of known ghost more of the United States and in 2006 this American celebrity in case that turned film one more time, with the heading of “Curse” (An American Hauting), directed for Courtney Solomon.

The Witch of the Bells
One is about the only registered case of the death of a human being for a ghost in the United States beyond being the case most famous of the country.


In mythology Greek, they were children of Taumas and Electra and, therefore, previousto the olímpicos. They appeared however as seductive women however as horrible monsters, that they always looked to abduct the body of deceased, to usufruct of its love, being symbolized the obsessive passions as well as the remorse followed to its satisfaction. They were three: Aelo (the squall), Ocípite (the fast in the flight) and Celeno (the obscure one).

According to one of its myths, the Harpias kept a curse on the king of the Thracian, Fineu. The order of the king, had been pursued by argonautas e, imprisoned, had gotten the life in exchange for the promise of more not tormenting it and then, they had been taken refuge in a cave of the island of Crete.


n mythology Greek, Deméter was the goddess of agriculture and the olheitac. It was who nourished the land with the green vegetation. She was also considered as the protective goddess of the marriage and the sacred law. She was venerated as the responsible one per the stations of the year. Deméter and its Perséfone son were the main personages of the eleusinos mysteries (ritual of initiation carried through in the city Greek of Eleusis).

In accordance with the genealogy of deuses Greek, Deméter was son of Crono (titã) and Rea (titanide). In such a way, Deméter was sister of Zeus (god of deuses).
The priestesses (responsible for the cult to the goddess) of Deméter were called melissas.

Deméter was represented (in paintings and escultras), many times, going up in an car with a great amount of agricultural products as, for example, grains, flowers and fruits.

In mythology Roman, Deméter was called Ceres.


In mythology Greek, they were strong and brutais beings, half menand half horses, children of Ixíon or Ixão, king of the lápitas, and Néfele, goddess of the clouds, to the exception of Folo de Chiron or Quirão, that had had another origin and less wild character, however were the personificação of the wild natural forces, of the lewdness and drunkeness. Monsters that represented the identification of the human being to the animalescos instincts, its myth was, possibly, inspired in the tribes half-savages who almost always lived in the zones more wastelands of Greece and its mitológica history associate the barbarity episodes.

They lived in the forests of plains of the Arcadia and mounts of the Tessália and would have fought against Hércules, would have banished that them from the Mália handle. During the weddings of Pirítoo, king of the lápitas, after tipsy with wine, would have attemped to abduct the fiancé, generating a terrible one that he finished with all verwhelmed by the lápitas. Differently of the others, Folo de Quírion was instructor and professor of Aquiles, Heraclitus, Jasão and other heroes. In the Greek times if they related frequently with Eros and Dioniso and during the Renaissance, to perhaps enhance its beastly character, in its repressntações alone the bust was human.
The fashion is to take water of iceberg
Melted and bottled pieces of iceberg are the last fashion enterthe supplied families of California. The water is commercialized under the name of Borealis and the advertising campaign divulges the purest product as “of the pure ones”. The slogan has an explanation: the French, leader water of market so far, covers a way of ten years between volcanic rocks purificam that it they enrich and it; on the other hand, the younger pieces of iceberg date of about ten a thousand years, having been congealed very before the Land starting to suffer the effect from the ambient contamination. But the French competitors already had started to disqualify “the new” pureness of the water, being affirmed that “probably the liquid contains piss remaining portions of polar animals”. The local authorities if entusiasmam thinking that, when persisting the “fashion” of the purer water “between the pure ones”, its value of market could surpass even though of the oil. A bottle of it arrives to cost US$ 10 currently.


One of the twelve deity Greeks of the Olimpo, one of the deities most eclectic of the greco-roman mythology, thatreceived great reverence since the times from the primitive Greeks until the Romans and, known primordially as a solar deity, also represented the Greek ideal of the young masculine beauty and was the god of this youth, helping in the transistion for the adult age. Flho de Zeus and of titã Leto, and twin brother of the goddess of the Artêmis hunting and father of Asclépio (Esculápio) and Orfeu, became the god of the sun, the light, music, the poetry, youth, the sports and the hunting and still the god of the prophecy: Mr. of all the oracles, also of Delfos, more celebrates of all the places of prophecies. Also he had its black part, when it uses the arc, to go off lethal darts that killed the men with illnesses or sudden deaths, and also considered the god of the plagues of rats and the wolves, that tormented many times the Greeks.

After having dead the Pitho serpent that frightened the people, in commemoration to this exploit, it he instituted the Pithios Games, whose winner in the competitions of force, speed or race of covered carts was crowned with a parrot crown. Founder of cities, gave good laws, was a pure god and just and that he cured the sick people, venerated together with this in great temple-hospitals, where if some illnesses cured, over all through sleep. Pará (Fauno), that it had invented the gaita, defied it for a musical competition that had to touch the lira, and although the beautiful music touched for Pará (Fauno or Silvano), touching the lira that gained as a gift of Hermes, the song its was so impressive that immediately it was declared winning.

All had agreed, little Midas, follower of Pará, and then the winner transformed its ears of Midas into donkey ears. Midas tried to underneath hide the ears of a great turban, but its hairdresser knew the secret and he did not obtain to keep it. Not daring to say it nobody, dug a hole in the soil, inside whispered the happened one of the hole and it covered later it. But a thick underbrush of rushes was born and if it put to whisper history from that day, each time that the wind blew on them. For spreading that it was optimum arqueiro between deuses, Eros annoyed (Cupido), the god of the love, and this were avenged going off one of its arrows in the heart of the disaffection and one another one in the heart of the Dafne nymph, son of the god-river, Pineus.

The god soon got passionate itself for Dafne that costumava to walk for the forests and, as Ártemis, the goddess of the hunting, did not want to be married. It pursued it, but it refused itself to stop and was flying, followed for it, determined in apanhar it. Tired and you give to fall in the soil, Dafne called its father, the god-river, to save it. Into the accurate moment where it went to be apanhada, Dafne was converted into a parrot foot (Dafne, in Greek, means parrot). Without being able to marry the loved one and for loving it in such a way, it decided that the crowns that would be used to distinguish the heads from the winners of the Typical Games would have to be made with parrot twigs. He took partico in the famous war of Troy, defending this city, decimating the aqueus with plague when these had offended its troiano priest, and finishing for killing Aquiles. At more delayed time she was identified with Hélios, god of the sun, therefore he was before the god of the light, and by haul its sister was identified with the Selene goddess, of the moon. Mitologicamente was a god of innumerable loves, but that never it had luck, for revenge of Eros, god of the love. In Etruscan mythology, it was known as Aplu and he was venerated in Cyprus, with the heading of Abeu.


One of the twelve deity Greeks of the Olimpo, goddess of the beauty and the corresponding love to the Venus Roman, however, in contrast of the last one, did not represent only the sexual love, but also the affection that supports the life social.

In accordance with the mitológicas beliefs, were been born of the foam of the generated sea when the father of titãs Uranus was castrated by its Cronos son. This shot the genital ones cut of the father to the sea, that started to boil and to bubble and promoted the fecundação in Tálassa, goddess of the sea. Oldest of deuses olímpicos it was risen of the foam and was led by the waves until arriving the island of Cyprus and thus Kypris (= cipriota) was one of some adjectives that had been attributed to it.

Trick of the Cup

The board of Or-ija is a very common toy in the United States, a wooden board for the communication with deceased. Then all the participants placed the fingers ina record with an arrow indicate letter for letter the messages other world. In Brazil, the toy never arrived, but its variant. The famous “trick of the improvised cup” with a cup of jelly (although to say that it would have to be virgin) and a bristol board with the drawn alphabet, beyond the words “yes” “not” and “good bye”. Already vi children to be imprisoned in the trick for a stubborn spirit that if refused to say good bye.

The Truth:
We go to admit, always somebody moved the cup with the finger. I myself always invented a spirit any to place fear in my friends. A time, we ask “who is there” the cup started to describe its movement spelling “the GAL…” I looked at for my colleagues and I spoke: “People, the GAL Coast you the alive one, you the good one? ” The cup stopped mysteriously for a time and later it shyly continued finishing the word “Galcaia” that would be supposedly an indian ghost. It was as much laugh that nobody never more believed the trick.
Bigger judiciary error of Brazil

The brothers Ships - Sebastião and Joaquin - had been the victims of the biggest committed judiciary error in Brazil. They lived in Araguari, Minas Gerais. In 1937, they had housed a cousin, Benedict Caetano Pear tree, that disappeared after having vendido a stolen load of rice. Tortured over the Policy and debtors to confess that they had killed the cousin, the brothers had been condemned the 25 years and 6 months of arrest, despite not having test of the crime not even the body of the supposed victim. Ten years later, the “deceased” appeared alive very in another city, and the Ships had been freed.

Adolf Hitler

1. Hitler was Austrian, believes? It was born in one cidadezinha called Braunau am Inn located in the north Austria, that at the timeof the birth of Hitler was part of the Empire Áutro-Hungarian. It only became German citizen in 1932.

2. Hitler was a last name generated for the error of a priest. The father of Hitler was illegitimate child e, for this, did not have the last name of its father. Later that the grandfather of Hitler died, the father of it obtained that a priest granted the recognition to it of the paternity. In the hour to write the name, Hiedler for Hitler changed. From there he was thus same.

3. Hitler disapproved one year and left the school to the 16. It knows why? Its father wanted that it was a type of public server, Hitler wanted to be… guesses… painter (it is not of wall and yes of pictures). Later that its father died, Hitler left the school and it was if to venture in Vienna to the costs of the pension that received because of the father. The Academy of Beautiful Arts of Vienna rejected its filiation two times, arguing that it had more talent for Architecture. But it is not that Hitler obtained to vender several of its paintings?

4. Hitler was a soldier who fought in the First War. In 1918, no longer final one of the War, Hitler arrived at a campaign hospital victim of an attack with gas mustard (Knows who produced this gas for the Germans in II the War? The Bayer). Some psychologists say that, even so the gas could cause blindness, Hitler was blind per three days as resulted of a histérica conversion. Translating: he was something created by its mind.

5. Hitler wrote a called book Mein Kampf (My Fight) that it served of ideological base for all its madnesses. It wanted as much that its book was read that it gave copies of it until as wedding present.

6. In day 20 of April of 1945, while the Soviet army went entering in Berlin, Hitler commemorated anniversary its 56º in its shelter. One of its generals ordered to distribute chocolates to the troops in honor to the anniversary of the Führer.

7. To guarantee that the cyanide that would take to commit suicide efficient age, Hitler made a test in its cachorra. Coitadinha died, is clearly.

Projector headlights

The light that you found in, unlike the bulbs of car headlights, has no fragile filament, Rather than leave your car more beautiful and with a modern look, there are many advantages:
The lighthouse on the part consumes less power in your car, thereby requiring less of your battery and, consequently generating less heat.
By having a stronger light, the light of the lighthouse is more easily noticed from a greater distance. This increases the safety in roads, expressway or even a car in the opposite direction.
For often be seen as a luxury accessory in cars, the headlamp increases the value of your car at the time of sale.
These and many other advantages you have from the time you add to your vehicles headlights and a spotlight for purchasing this product you need to know the, packaged by the wave of car "tweaked" many drivers come in workshops to exchange and headlights lamps by more modern components, attractive and with more advanced technology, currently, most vehicles use the headlights of the parabolic or composed of two parabolic reflectors. The model uses a halogen lamp with double-stranded internal baffle, specific to this type of headlight. Thus, the low beam takes only the top of the parabola, while the top reflects the entire region of the component. His lens is light and evenly distributes the light, elliptical models, more appropriate to use low beam, consist of an elliptical reflector and a shield, which blocks some of the light, leaving the rest to pass the you found the most varied types of projector headlights and you still see a wide variety of accessories for you to be equipping your car, please come to right now, accessories and quality with great prices and total security for you make your purchase only in carid. com with you.

Voice ages

Everything ages in our body, and is clearly that the voice did not go to be outside of this.
The voice is the result of the sound produced for the vibration of the air that is removed ofthe s pulmões for the diaphragm and that it passes for the vocal ropes, suffering to influenced alterations skin mouth, lips and language.

The aging of the voice is provoked by the thickening of the vocal ropes, hormonais and emotional reduction of movements of the joints, alterations, bad habits, calcificação of the cartilages, atrophy of the laríngea musculatura and the loss of the pulmonary capacity.
We better have vocal performance between the 25 and 40 years of age.

The men tend to initiate the process of vocal alteration for return of the 30 years, while in the women this starts to happen for return of the 50, when arrive the menopause.