However, the English who we know today was born under influences of some languages, many that today do not say more. Considering the English as a child, we can say that its parents had been three: the Anglo-Saxons (germanic), the Scandinavians and the Românicos. You are finding these names quaint? They see who are:
Anglo-Saxons: Peoples who had invaded Great-Britain and there had established themselves after the exit of the Romans.
Scandinavians: Peoples of the north of the Europe.
Românicos: Come peoples of the region of the Italic Peninsula.
Many words characteristic of the English, therefore well different of ours, are of germanic origin anglian-saxônica and. These peoples had established in Great-Britain since century V. Many people say that when knows to say English, have more easiness of if learning the German. E that is truth, since the origin of these two languages is the same one, both had come of the Anglo-Saxons and the Germanics.
But why, exactly having the same root, these languages have many differences? This happens due to the too much influences that these languages had received. The Celtas had influenced in the formation of the English, but not very, therefore the great marks of the céltica language had remained in the Scot and the Irishan (but if it does not forget that in Ireland and the Escócia the said language more is the English with characteristic its sotaques).
The Roman Empire continued keeping contact with England, therefore we can see some marks left for the Latin (language said for the Romans). This language is one of the great bases of the Portuguese language, being thus the words in English proceeding from the Latin is frequently familiar for us. Former: liberty (freedom), martyr (to mártir), angel (angel), disciple (disciple) etc.
The following more important influence was of the Danish and the Scandinavians who had invaded Great-Britain in centuries IX and X. These two peoples had been called, in a generalized manner, of Vikings. The influence of them was greater that of celtas and the words as call (to call/to telephone), take (to lead), leg (leg), sufficiently used until today, is fruit of these last ones.
For 1066 return, the English throne passed to the hands of Normans who said Frenchman and was catholics. Therefore, the return of a great influence of the românicas languages is seen in England (basically the Frenchman, the Italian, the Spaniard, the Portuguese and the Rumanian) that they possess as base the Latin, as already was mentioned. The Latin words were generally regarding law and government (executes - justice tax- tax) and of abstract concepts as charity (charity) and conflict (conflict).
Since then it had many gone and comings of the influences of some languages on the English, after all the language varies in accordance with the customs and the culture of each people. If many languages influence the English, this influence the Portuguese considerably. It is very important that it has cultural and linguistic exchanges between the peoples, however also is necessary that if it preserves the language and the expressions of a people. We can use English words in the Portuguese, but we do not have forgetting in them that our language is very rich and many times are unnecessary to catch words loaned of others, since we obtain expressing in them well and creative with our proper language.
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