The research showed that the acquisition of knowledge improves in the people who soon sleep after to study. On the other hand, those that do not sleep show more difficulties to carry through tasks previously proposals.
The study, that was published in the magazine of scientific spreading Current Biology, it showed that they had considered to a group of volunteers some possibilities to escape of one definitive digital labyrinth that later had been separate in two sub-groups. The first ones had been motivated to take off one soneca, however the others had followed with its quotidianas activities.
After some hours, those that had slept had shown to be well capable to escape of the labyrinth of that those that had not rested. Specifically, the volunteers who had revealed to have dreams related with the exits of the labyrinth had been the ones that had had greater success to find in the practical one.
- “The dreams can be a pointer of that the brain is working in the same problem to many levels”, it assured the doctor Robert Stickgold, who led this research. In turn, Erin Wamsley, co-author of the study, suggested that the unconscious brain works in the things that consider more important.
According to specialists, this phenomenon could be used to improve the learning and the memory. For example, when studying before lying down to sleep, or to take off one soneca after to have studied per the afternoon would develop the possibilities to consolidate the learning so that it was placed in practical successfully a little later.
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