The Ruins of Copán, the west of Honduras, had been discovered in 1570 by Diego Garci'a de Placio. One of the places most important of the Mayan civilization, these Ruins had not been excavated until century XIX. Its ortalezas and imponent public squares characterize its three main phases of development, before the city was abandoned at the beginning of century X.
The advanced knowledge that the Mayans possuíam on astronomy, as solar eclipses and movements of the planets, and on mathematics, had allowed them to create a cyclical calendar of notable precision. In the reality they are two overlapping calendars: tzolkin, of 260 days, and haab of 365 days. Haab was divided in eighteen months of twenty days, more five days free. To date the events they used the “short account”, of 256 years, or then the “long account”, that it began at the beginning of the Mayan age. They had determined with incredible exactness the lunar year, the trajectory of Venus and the solar year (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds). They had invented a system of numeration with base 20 and had notion of number zero, which had attributed a symbol.
The Mayans used a hieroglífica writing that not yet total was deciphered. The scientists, studious of the Mayan civilization, had proven that the old ones had made many comments of the Sun, during its ticket for the zenith, in the ceremonial square of Copán. This discovery reaffirms that the Mayans had been great astronomers and that they had lived its period of esplendor enters the 900 years 250 d.C. During the solstícios and the equinoxes, the position of the Sun generates alignments special between some monuments, altars and other structures of the main square of the Mayan archaeological small farm of Copán.
Today, the valley of Copán, as other archaeological small farms, is declared Patrimony of the Humanity, protecting the center of the ceremonials of the Mayan civilization, that floreceu in Central America in the first millenium of the Christian Age.
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