But he was in 1669 that the German alchemist Hennig Brandt discovered the element accidentally match (“what she brings the light”, in Greek) naked
The discovery arrived at the knowledge of the English physicist Robert Boyle (1627-1691), that it invented, 11 years later, a rough sheet of paper covered of match, folloied of one varinha with sulphur in one of the tips.
I invent it, however, it was only one very expensive curiosity.
In 1826 English chemistry John Walker only presented the palitos of match, then with 8 centimeters of length.
In the truth, it was to use a palito to mix potassium and antimony, that if set on fire when it was scraped to the rock soil.
The danger was that the palitos costumavam to set on fire themselves inside alone of the packing.
This problem would only be decided in 1855, with the sprouting of the security match, created for the Swedish Johan Edvard Lundstrom.
In it, the inflammable ingredients had been separate in two: part in the head of the palito, part of the side of is of the box, together with the abrasive material.
The first petty cash of matches was patented by American lawyer Joshua Pusey, in 1892, and produced for a company of Ohio 4 years later.
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