The note of three dollar; the nun with beard; the verse, removed of the poem of Lewis Carroll, that “roldavam and relviam in the gramilvos”.
Summarizing, an experience that violates all logic and expectation.

The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote that such abnormalitys produced a deep “sensation of queerness”, and it was not the only one to take these abnormalitys the serious one. Freud, in a called assay “the Stranger”, demonstrated the sensation of the fear of death, castration or “something that must have been hidden, but that it came to tona”
In the best one of the hypotheses, the feeling is confused. In worse, he is frightful.
A current study it suggests that, contradictorily, this same sensation can take the brain to perceive not perceivable standards in another occasion --in the mathematical equations, the language, the world of general form.
“We want in such a way exempting in them of that feeling that we look for meaning and coherence in all place”, it said Travis Proulx, pupil of after-doutorado of the University of California, in Saint Bárbara, and main author of the article, published in the current edition of the periodic Psychological Science. “We lead the feeling for another project, and this seems to improve some types of learning”.
It has much time, the researchers know that the people if arrest its personal beliefs still more when the feeling is threatened. When remembering that the death is inevitable, the strangers become more patriotic, more religious and less tolerant, according to research. When offended, friends reveal more loyalty - and when they are knowing that a questions test of and answer had not been given well in, identify themselves more with the winning teamses of the college.
In an article series new, Proulx and Steven J. Heine, professor of psychology in the University of British Columbia, argue that these discoveries are variations of the same process: to keep the meaning, or the coherence. The brain was developed to make forecasts, and this occurs when identifying standards.
When these standards if breach - the example of when a mochileiro if it comes across with a chair in the interior of the forest, as it had been fallen of the sky - the brain look something, any thing that makes sensible. It can appeal to a familiar ritual, as to check an equipment. However, according to researchers, this can come back its attention toward the external way, and also notice a standard of tracks of animals that was occult. The desire to find a standard coherent becomes most likely that the brain will discover one.