Foreseeing the future
The man, this intrinsically curious animal, since daily pay-history develops techniques to predict the future. Always worried inwell-being occurred, he tries to read of some form the signals that bring a good or bad jinx. If its techniques function or not, only it uses who them can say. What we can affirm, with total certainty, is that many of them are extremely interesting. We are made familiar to some forms of forecasts, as the astrology (reading of the atros), the cartomancia (for baralhos) and the quiromancia (reading of the hands), however has many others being used for there. Click and sees some of the more curious divinatórias forms here already created by the humanity.
The action of the ambientalistas and protectors of animals made with that the commerce of skins diminished drastically in last the 20 years. The majority of the estilistas, currently, does not use skins in its creations and has professional models, as Kate Moss, Cindy Crawford, Christy Turligton and Claude Schiffer, between many others, that they do not accept to act in parades where done or decorated clothes with skins are shown. Thus exactly, the businesses of this area still put into motion about 648 million dollar, meaning the sacrifice of at least 3 million and 500 a thousand animals.
Is established truth that artists do not know to manage its finances personal. Legendary Elvis Presley, when dying, was to the side of the bankruptcy, which had to the excesses that committed in substance of expenses. However, the artistic legacy that left, at the hands of professional administrators not only zeroed the debts as if it became a lucrative business very. In 1997, its son and heiress, Lisa Marie Presley, for signal former-woman of Michael Johnson, could receive the part that fit to it in the estate. He added the trinket of 130 million dollar.
Water can ruin case is stored of form or in wrong places. Ifyou to full a water bucket and to leave it motionless per some days, will see that the container was invaded by larvae of insects, fungos and other forms of life, having then that to purificar it so that if she becomes again potable. To keep it in a closed container also offers risks, therefore the water or the proper container can already be contaminated with the bacteria. Moreover, the pot where it is left necessary to be adjusted for the storage. If it was placed in an aluminum basin, for example, then the metal would poison the water. The substances that can be used to store liquid are the glass, stainless steel and some plastics.
Basically the actions serve to divide the expenses of a company. When somebody the purchase, the paid money is injected in the company, guaranteeing capital so that the same one grows. What the owner of the actions receives in exchange is the profit sharing. Therefore the actions suffer high and low the time all, therefore if the company tends to go badly or if the economy of the country enters in crisis, the people starts to vender them and the price of the same ones falls, therefore nobody wants to invest in a bad business. However, when the company is well in the market and has a profit expectation, its price is raised since it offers financial return. In few words, the price of the actions is controlled for the factor offers and looks for, as well as for the forecasts of the situation of the companies and the markets, that depends very, in our globalizado world, of the economic stability of the country.
In the poor countries the people need to make absurd things to support itself. In Uganda, for example, she has the informal craft of eater of animals (livings creature). People who are paid to prove exotic spices as lizards, snakes, lesmas, sapos, rats, insects, etc. Namenya, a young that died recently for having ingested a camaleão, charged about R$1,7 degustar a head of snake or lizard, R$1,15 for the frog, R$0,57 for the rat and R$0,23 for the butterfly.
The smaller vertebrate animal of the world was discovered in ilhof Samatra, in Indonesia. The “recordista” is a fish with 7,9 millimeters of length.
The “progenetic Paedocypris” is a fish of the family of the carp but of dimensions much more reduced. The adult specimens measure between 7,9 and 8.6 millimeters of length, consonant if deals with females or males.
Although its very small size, the fish possesss pelvic barbatanas with bonanza great muscles that use to grasp the female during the acasalamento, they assure the investigators.
The “progenetic Paedocypris” is still characterized for having a transparent body, when adult, what them of a appearance of a larva, and for living in dark waters, one hundred more acid times of what the water of rain.
The food scarcity does not seem to worry these specimens that, given its size, if saciam with a small amount of plâncton. The investigators believe that with the destruction of its habitat already some populations of this type of fish have themselves lost, but lull to sleep the hope still to have time to investigate more on the species.
We know that the light is formed by the union of some colors. When entering in contact with the atmosphere, it is spread due to existing particles in air. However the waves of each color are spread of different form, depending on its length. The more short, more dispersed they become. The length of the blue wave makes with that it if spreads the sufficient to give to the sky the tonality that we see. No longer final of the afternoon, the sun illuminates obliquely, compelling the rays to make a longer way to arrive at the Land. Such dispersed fact almost total the blue light and becomes visible the red, that possesss a bigger length, giving the spectacle to us of the put-do-sun.
Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) was the responsible one for the classification of the galaxies as we know today. It was who proved, in years 20, that they are as “islands”, moving itself separately. The ones are its also that they make possible to identify the relation in the distance enters and speed with that if they put into motion, reason this known as constant Hubble. The astronomer was formed itself in right for the University of Oxford and appends later left for astronomy, its true passion.
Old it was thought that the dreams happened in flashs(fraction of seconds), today is known that they in the truth occupy real time in our mind, that is, happen in the same speed who we imagine to be living deeply them. A hard common dream of 10 the 40 min. Its plot always is related with in our fears, concerns, desires or things that are for happening. Some people imagine that they do not dream, what it is not truth, do not only remember themselves to have it done. This occurs because to remember a dream she is necessary to wake up at the moment where it happens.