Flyer that produces the honey and the wax.
The bees have the body covered of for, six legs and four wing, a dart or sting, much sharpened, in the extremity of abdómen;

they are of a tawny color and its mouth is found armed of a whirlwind, that serves to them to suck the juice of the flowers, essential for the production of the wax, of that they make its cells or alveoli, and of the honey, that in them deposit.
Each group or swarm lives in a tenement house or beehive, underneath of the authority of a queen. The swarms are constituted by three species of individuals: the mothers, bees masters or queens, the drones or males and the laborers or workers (that the totality of the existing population is who constitue almost).
Since the birth (that rank for the queen starts in an egg), until being formed, the bee passes for diverse transformations (egg, larva, pupa or nymph and perfect flyer), that they are assigned for metamorphoses.
The laborers or workers are all the other female bees of the beehive. They are female of incomplete development that, as the name indicates, all makes the work of the beehive. E the duties move with the age:
1 the 3 days To clean and to polish the cells
1 the 3 days Alimentary the larvae oldest
the 6 8 days Alimentary the larvae new
the 8 12 days Alimentary and to take care of of the queen
the 12 15 days Cleanness of the house
the 15 18 days Segregation of the wax and construction of the mass ofs cells
the 18 20 days Guard of the beehive
21 days in ahead Search of pollen, nectar, water and própolis
In the summer the life of a worker is very short, about six weeks. The necessary activity for the production of the honey can be said that they die for work excess, therefore is prodigious. A colónia of average dimension (40,000 bees in the summer) can collect and consume 45 kg of 180 pollen and produce kg of honey, consuming between 135 and 157 kg of this honey.
Beekeeping to the creation is called bees for commercial ends, being assigned exerts who it for beekeeper.
Although the bite of the bee is not extraordinary dangerous, it agrees to attenuate its painful and incomodativos effect. E for this, despite if any remedy of absolute effectiveness is unaware of, mainly because when it is arrived to intervine already the poison it entered in the circulatória chain, advises the following one: to pull out the sting immediately and to rub the perforated point with parsley or a cut onion. In the case of diverse bites, it must apply on the attacked region salty cold water compresses or lightly turned to vinegar. Picaduras of bee in the treatment of the crónico reumatismo are applied.
The laboring bees are disciplined, methodical and ordeiras. They appear of an egg deposited for the bee queen in one of the hexagonais pipes that form a beehive, and from it is initiated there history of life of a teeny one, however extraordinary laborer.
· three days later a teeny larva is born
· in the three following days the larva receives as food the real jelly grows and is developed
· in the others five days following it also receives honey and pollen as food and continues its development
· in the eighth day the larva already all occupies the internal space of the pipe (its growth if of the one with some exchanges of the skin changes) and starts to weave a cocoon in the interior of which the larva changeds itself into pupa (at this moment the pipe is closed with a wax cover) that after that it is decided in an adult insect.
· into 20o or 21o day of the phase of pupa, this is changedded into a new laboring bee and its first task is to clean the pipe where it was born and if it developed. The first function of a laboring bee is to keep the cleanness and to give the correct final destination of the joined residues (remaining portions of changes of skin, honey, grains of pollen and wax) in the beehive. This hard phase one three days
· in the fifth day of adult life, the bee starts to secretar real jelly for its mouth that is placed in the pipes that contain larvae (if a larva receives this real jelly per six days, it changeds itself into queen - this task is defined by the necessity of the community to have a new queen).
· the adult laborers with nine days of life stop to produce the jelly real and assume a new function - of constructor of the beehive. The honey that ingested until then is transformed into wax that is used to form the mass ofs cells (joint of hexagonais pipes). A secretion appears amongst the plates of its abdome. It is removed by the previous legs and led for the mouth where she transforms it to the jaws into wax that is used in the construction of the mass of cells.
· with sixteen days of life the bees assume new function - to receive in its mouth the nectar brought for other laborers and to deposit them in the empty pipes. Into the interior of these pipes, days later, the material is changedded into honey (honeycombs). The pollen brought by other bees is stored separately in other compact pipes for the activity of the laborers.
· twenty days of life - the laboring bee passes the function of guard of the beehive. It is the ranks in the accesses of the beehive, intent the approach of other insects (ants, cupins) and until animals as bears. The communication of the danger is made with the dispersion of a set free odor for a located gland next to the sting. The perception of this signal promotes the exit of populations of laborers who go to attack the intruders decidedly.
· in the twenty third day of life the bee assumes the activity most laborious - to leave for the fields to collect nectar and pollen. More, the elements that identify to sources of nectar and pollen communicate the other bees, by means of movements (species of dance) the localization of the related sources. The imprisoned odor to the informing bee communicates details on the type of located plant. The laborer plays about 30 days the activity of collection of materials to supply the beehive.
· After about 50-55 days of life as laboring bee, feeling to appear the weakness and the oldness, the small worker moves away itself spontaneously from its community to die without promoting the discontinuity of the work of its dedicated colleagues.