To kill, to torture, to beat. These are some of the actions that the vestibulandos if prontificaram to make with the minister of the Justiç

and Interior Businesses, of 1910 the 1913, Rivadávia of the Corrêa Wedge.
E what this Sir made to deserve so great violence? He swims. Only it was who all instituted the initial use of competition in the country for the ingression in superior education.
The decision was taken in 1911, ahead of the increasing demand and practically the steady number of vacant in superior education.
Until then who only attended a course the third degree had studied in college D. Peter 2º, of Rio De Janeiro, or in colleges certifyd by federal overseers as of the same level.
In the principle, the examinations were written and verbal on languages and sciences. Each school made its proper test. It did not have an examination unified for institution.
IncompatibleMore significant changes had been to only happen in the decade of 70. Before this, in accordance with the vice-director of the Fuvest (University Foundation for the Vestibular contest), Jose Atílio Vanin, the examinations charged compatible knowledge only with the first year of the college.
“The test approached questions of mathematics, physics, chemistry, writing and a foreign language. The extension of knowledge was lesser, but he was more gone deep than today”, it compares.
Vanin affirms that, in reason of this, it was almost impossible to be approved in the vestibular contest when leaving average education, what the creation of the cursinhos proliferated.
In years 60 the first unified vestibular contests had appeared, as the Cecem, that congregated of later biological facultieses of medicine and health, and the Cecea, with schools of administration, right and human beings in general.
Another difficulty (so that nobody says that today it is very worse, even though estressante) it was that the federal institutions carried through the examinations in the same date, what hindered the interstate migrations.
With the creation of the National Commission of the Unified Vestibular contest, in the decade of 70, prescribed the election, this finished.
The content of the examinations had of if to restrict you discipline to them of average education, what, theoretically, it would finish with the necessity cursinhos them. Resolution that, today is known, did not function.
The Fuvest alone was to appear in 1976, selecting in the same examination candidates to the USP (University of São Paulo), to the Unesp (São Paulo State University) and to the Unicamp (State University of Campinas). The first divorce was of the Unesp, in 83. The Unicamp left in 85.
But why?The vestibulandos of today, that they face maratonas of tests and a competition that to the times surpasses the one hundred candidates for vacant, until understand the necessity of some type of process, but they are not satisfied with the vestibular contest.
“All good, was necessary to make some thing, but it could be a ameno process”, complains Charlene Bertão Coast, 18, that it goes to give medicine.
“If I found this face (the minister), killed, would make of it the target of all my anger”, I play. Calmer, it he questions: “I only wanted to know why it decided to make this”.
Less rebelled, the candidate the administration I fall Napoli Galvão, 17, it says that it does not find the system bad, but makes critical. “With the vestibular contest you finish deciding its future in two or three days.”
Also the candidate to a vacant in medicine Alice Bei, 17, informs that Corrêa was known, would make it to prove of the proper poison. “It Would invite stops giving to a well difficult vestibular contest it to see if it is good.”
In 1996, the new LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases) established that the institutions of superior education are free to decide the election process that want to use. Exactly thus, to the 88 years, the vestibular contest continues firm and strong.