* The diamond is the mineral hardest of the planet. No mineral
* The diamonds are perpetual same? Not. They are pure carbon composites and the carbon meagers with the time.
* The value of a diamond is measured by its color, pureness, stonecutting and weight.
* The brilliant is a diamond stoned with rounded off forms.
* Of the rocks found in world 80% they come of Angola, Australia, Botsuana, Namíbia, South Africa, Russia and the Congo.
* They are necessary about 250 tons of gravel extracting one carat of diamond.
* In 1988 nine diamonds form vendidos in New York in the store Sotheby's and Christie's. Most expensive 185,2 a thousand dollars and 926,315 a thousand dollars for carat had been bought at auction by!
* A rude rock of 2 carats produces a diamond stoned of 1 carat.
* Indian emperor Shanh Johan, that he ordered to construct the Taj Mahal, used a diamond of 88 carats in its ceremony of crown, in 1628.
* The biggest diamond of century XXI, the egg yolk Promise of the Lesoto, has 603 carats of weight, the equivalent the 120 gram (the same that a golf ball). It has this name because he was found in the Lesoto, an African country. He was vendido by 12,4 million dollar in October of 2007.
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