Gracie family
# the Gracie family is known in Brazil and the world for having developed the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,

an adaptation of the Japanese martial art where the fighters weakkest can compete in equality of conditions with strongest. The creators of the technique had been Carlos Gracie, who died to the 92 years, in 1994, and Gracie Helium. Today the Gracie Jui-Jitsu also is practised in Japan.
# the patriarch of the family, Gastão Gracie, knew the master Japanese Maeda Koma, the Conde Koma, in Belém (Pará). In exchange for shelter in the new city, the oriental accepted to teach the martial art to the son oldest of Gastão, Carlos. After four years, the franzino Carlos if moved with the family for Rio De Janeiro and started if to detach as professor and fighter of Jiu-Jitsu for, to win athlete stronger. With the brother Helium, it officialized the new technique and the philosophy of life.
# Valley-Everything, fight that does not have defined rules, was born of the presentations and fights of the Gracie brothers, who wanted to prove that the technique developed for them functioned.
# In years 50, Helium consequently developed an alimentary diet that has as main objective to keep pH of the meals and, of the blood, most neutral possible and that she was known as the Gracie Diet.
# Because of numerologia studies, Carlos and Hélio had true setting for letters “R” and “C”. The tradition to baptize the descendants with these letters is kept until today by the family.
# the philosophy of life created for the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu nails the abstinence to the tobacco and to the drink. The sex must be made only for the reproduction.
# the women of the family do not fight Jiu-Jitsu. They are created to be mother and to take care of of the family.
# Carlos Gracie Grandson has the name of the grandfather, but it very chose a different profession of the majority of the relatives: he is dancer. Mary, sister of the creators of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, is nun.
# Another tradition of the Gracie is to have many women and children. Helium has 21 children of 7 different mothers, between three formal marriages and four informal ones. Carlos lived 50 years with the same woman, Daisy, but the loving one, Vera. The two understood that the objective age to have the maximum of heirs. One of the children of Carlos, Carley, already had two women at the same time, liveing in the same house. Landmarks, grandson of Carlos, already wanted to mount a community to live with its three women. The idea did not only give certain because of the jealousy.
# One of the grandsons of Carlos, Ryan Gracie, of 33 years, was imprisoned in day 14 of December of 2007, in São Paulo, after stealing an car and trying to steal a motion. In the following day to the arrest, it was found died in the cell. Examinations had disclosed that the fighter had consumed cocaine, marijuana and crack. It already had been imprisoned in 2000, defendant of esfaquear a student in a party and passed 18 days imprisoned. In 2005, accused to attack a policeman and to offend a commission agent, Ryan was withheld one more time.
# In 2000, Rockson Gracie died victim of overdose in a hotel of New York, in the United States. The family found odd that the youngster left to make contact and initiated a search, that finished with the identification it body it fighter and model. It had been embedded as poor.